Remove from Patch Article Removal
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What is is a resourceful news website that publishes local news stories to help individuals stay up-to-date on current events in their communities. While the content published on the website can be useful, some of the articles can be damaging to the online images and personal reputations of those featured in the articles, particularly the news articles covering local crime and arrests.
Technology is constantly changing and the world of media is rapidly moving. The new trend is very profitable for the newspapers and other sources such as the “Patch.” What they do is post up the local police blotter arrest information in a separate article, which tag your name and the details of your arrest.
Each day that goes by with your negative content available on you are at risk. Even if the news is not fresh, it will still come up whenever someone searches your name. Your reputation, job, family, and opportunities are all threatened.
If you have been the unwilling subject of a damaging news article, you may be wondering how to remove negative newspaper articles from the web. Unlike physical news articles, which would all but disappear with the next day’s recycling, digital articles will usually stay online unless there is a reason to take them down. Thus, you need to take proactive steps to remove the news article from the internet. content removal
Have a news article or story that is ruining your life? No problem at all as we deal with this problem every single week with new clients who have tried every other option. We guarantee the burial and or removal of a bad patch article.
We understand how damaging these articles can be. If you would like professional help in permanently removing or suppressing a negative news article as quickly as possible, please fill out our contact form. We can work with you to have those defaming posts removed permanently. Content removal is our expertise. We have obtained removals of hundreds of online news articles, as well as thousands of other pieces of online content. We are well-versed in content removal techniques and strategies.